Thursday, October 18, 2012

Viewing movies, and Cracked...

With all the media (read: books, music,  internet, movies, tv) that I find my consuming on a daily basis I have decided to start keeping record of how my mind is interacting with all of these inputs. So now you the reader will be subjected to my run-on sentences and mindless mumblings in completely rough form.

Essentially I am now going to attempt to create a sorts of Input/Output documentation through this blog and let the public eye examine, destruct, construct, and consume my thoughts.

I'm a student... specifically a film student... This means I witness all sorts of media in my classes...

Today in Media History we went over the history of TV. Yep, from the invention to the frequencies it runs on all the way to millions of dollars primetime shows bring in through advertising ($200,000/30 sec. is the average for primetime FYI).

Where would we be without the invention of television? Well... Probably no where. I wouldn't get to watch anything other than the plays or films being performed and we certainly wouldn't have computers like we have today without cathode-ray tubes... In fact we'd be witnessing mechanical television and it sucks.

It got me thinking... Today the shows we are watching are awesome. Comedies, character dramas, Sci-Fi, Horror... Every genre has something that can prod our minds to think about who we are as humans as well as entertain us till we're dead!

Of course a lot of it is done on iPads and computers....
So what are we missing out on? Well the amount of selection for *TV show* media we have today is like the equivalent of going to a grocery store when we're hungry. There's is so much we don't know what to do and we often find ourselves getting into things we may not need/not the best for us and we might be consuming whatever is easiest to digest. I've started about a dozen television shows on Netflix and have finished a grand total of 0 series since.

Just something to think about...

Also read a article from one of my favourite authors, John Cheese, about reading and writing funny resumes. I kind of consider myself a semi-expert of getting a job seeing as I've succeeded 5/6 times I've ever attempted to get one... Not to be proud or anything but hey! It's the friggin' internet. I can proudly say I've never pretended to be a gun expert or martial arts expert of YouTube.

It's okay guys... really... it's okay

Oh I watched that Arrested Development episode where Buster loses his hand... Friggin awesome.

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